So we survived 17 - 4 year old girls jumping up and down with pom pons for Casey's bday. I think Casey and CJ were the only ones who knew ALL the HSM songs but everyone had fun. We arrived home- to way too many gifts and as predicted we spent the rest of the day painting a pony, playing with aquabeads ( give this gift to someone U hate, the beads are so small and the patterns are so intricate and u have to wait an hour for it to dry which in kid time is like 10 days), changing from cheerleader dress to fairy princess skirt, and wearing a headset which plays 3 HSM songs on constant LOUD replay (another "mean" gift from one of my best friends).
I still can't believe my baby is 4. Seriously, it still feels like yesterday she was in an exersaucer. I love the fact that my girl is ON or OFF- Really there is no in between with my little lady. Casey made a seating chart for her party- and placed all the loud girls in the middle and the shy ones on the end (Mommy- I am too loud for Jennifer she like things quieter so I put her by quiet people). She did give BIG hugs to everyone that came to the party and although we only had girls- she did place her brother next to her (since "he is suppose to be Troy and I am Gabriella with blonde hair). Miss Jane has settled down in school - although her competitive streak comes out for the stamps and at gymnastics. I think it is hilarious that when I wear a nice shirt, jeans and high heeled boots- she will say comments like" Mom- you have a fancy shirt and shoes but your jeans are NOT fancy at all." I love it that she SO wanted to go to Beyonce with us"- I really love having a daughter that makes days interesting- ( notice I didn't use the word easy)- I love that we have no idea what you will come up with next (I have embraced unpredictability). Just last week-Casey was very worried about moving back to TX because she couldn't remember where the bathrooms were in our house or if she would have friends in preschool. I promised my baby girl I showed where all the toilets were in our house. I really am so happy to be her MOM and SO excited about all the years ahead . ( seriously I know I am going to embarrass her by being ME in just a few short years:)