Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So I haven't felt like blogging lately- a few days ago I forwarded a joke email to some friends and woke up the next morning to a reply to that wasn't what I expected (one awful thing about living overseas is I tend to get a lot of info by email that normally I wish I could hear live)

One of my friends for the last month and 1/2 has been going through a very rough time in her marriage and right now is separated. So the last 6 weeks she has been throwing childrens birthday parties, doing school dropoffs, driving to ballet, working part time and not sleeping or eating worried what the future holds for her family. I spoke to her yesterday and in spite of the mountain she is facing (right now it looks like Everest)- she is trying her damnest to still keep her childrens' lives as carefree and effortless as she can.

When I asked her how she was coping she simply answered "I have to- no other choice." I can think of some other choice she could have chosen - stay in bed, have family take care of her kids,complain excessively, call in sick to work/take a sabbatical- yet somehow she has found the strength to carry on despite this bleak period. Strength, Faith, and a general feeling that this will pass. I came away from our call inspired,(I tried my hardest to just listen (very hard for opinionated girl like myself that wants the very BEST for my friends and would gladly tai bo anyone getting in the way of that) and understanding the true meaning of being a Mom. I guess this whole motherhood thing isn't for the timid or weak- no days off from being a parent. So from a long way away - I am sending some healing POSITIVE prayers to a supermom that isn't going to quit in the face of adversity.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Hey Marina,
Just got a chance to catch up on your blog for the last month. You sound great! I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. We'll keep her in our prayers. Have fun with your parents if they are still there. Miss you much.