Friday, November 6, 2009


Dear Stomach Flu Bug,

Could u please not infect anyone else in our house or circle of friends?
Just when I get one kid back on his feet u hit my other child. My little circle of friends all have u- so none of us can help each other out. I am mad at u. I have done a gazillion loads of laundry and am tired of being stuck in the house - except when I go to the grocery store to get Sprite and Crackers (and yes they don't have saltines here- mean country). I would hate to have anyone we know get this bug but there is an annoying mum at school who called to ask me if I was worried that CJ missed his spelling test yesterday. "Yeah lady, I am worried about a 5 year old missing spelling words like lick and deck"- crazy woman- there is spell check on computers and right now I need my kiddos to make it 2 hours without throwing up!
Don't even think of messing with me or Chris- or you really meet my mad side.

Leave now-


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