1- woke up this morning and remembered I had put a bottle of sauvignon blanc in the freezer to chill before some girlfriends came over- (yes the bottle exploded all over the freezer)- so day 3 of school and the kids were eating a cereal bar and juice box in the car ( I had intentions to serve them oatmeal and fresh fruit)
2- you will see from the pix -that $50 sparkly shoes have made a world of difference- seriously I would have bought the shoes last year if I knew she would have jumped into the sweatsuit to wear them.
3-day 2 of finishing cappuccino in peace is pure bliss!
4-stayed up way too late watching BBC documentary on 9/11- seriously so sad/depressing- as it contained live phone calls from the towers to the fire dept and call centers- the footage is still unbelievable to watch. Still remember being in Chicago with friends- watching in disbelief. (note another group of terrorists were just convicted in London of planning the liquid bombs on airplanes in the summer of 2006- thank god the British secret service uncovered the entire plan)
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