Monday, May 24, 2010


Benefits of waking up at 4:50 am to watch the finale is both Chris and I were in a dream like state so we actually liked the finale. ( and yes we know that when England said we were watching live with the US they meant live with California- but alas beggers can't be choosers).

I cried A LOT- thought Jin and Sun and Sawyers scenes delivered. ( I am sure Chris liked Kate's scenes as well) I liked the ending- yes it left some huge holes but I got to see some old characters reunited so it worked for me. ( sidenote: completely forgot that hottie from Vampire Diaries was Shannon's brother on Lost). I liked jack and friends together in their afterlife. Still loving JJ and can't wait to Fall 2010 when his new show about ex CIA agents who have dayjobs as caterers premieres.

Signing off we had 80 degree weather which of course caused a heat index for this country but have kids who unfortunately think summer is around the corner but have 7 weeks of school left:)

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