Sunday, November 8, 2009

Back in the Saddle

So our house is back from the flu- sanity is restored. I visited my friend in the local hospital who got hit hard by the flu. I have to tell you the hospital scared the hell out of me. People shoved into wards- patients screaming in pain-mass confusion and waiting times that were ridiculous if your were in a life threatening situation. I am not going to use this blog to push my political agenda. I am praying that the approved "health care reform" is going to give healthcare to the folks that need it and not serve up some socialized mediocre medicine based on any model over here. Okay I feel better - but seriously our President has to stop leaning to European modeling- as someone that is "living it" -the model here is not a decent one to copy.

Other news- We headed to watch the fireworks last night at a friend from school's house. They own a horse farm so the kids loved running around the farm. The horses were put in the stables for the fireworks . The riding grounds are covered by a low voltage electric fence. Of course when I heard about it I freaked out since it was ON and we have a mass group of 5 year olds running rampant. Now here in lies the difference in parenting philosophy between us and the English- A quote from one of the parents, " Stop worrying about it Marina- once they hit the fence a few times they will learn not to touch it." And yes, kids hit the fence and received a mild shock and maybe they learned not to touch it again- But in truth I found the whole thing RIDICULOUS and scary. My mind is so wired to TV- I crafted a whole "House" episode about a child hitting the fence and going into heart arrhythmia. I knew I belong in Lalaland.

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I would have freaked out about a low-voltage fence around children too! does sound like it worked pretty well. Maybe I should try to become more British...