So all that worry was for nothing- CJ had a ball in his costume - he didn't win a prize but as we were walking to the parking lot after school- the year 5 kids (10 year olds) were walking out and a few of the kids started pointing at CJ and saying "CJ we voted for you"- which our little guy thought was SO cool. One of the things I like about this school is it so small that everyone knows each other and they really encourage the older kids to befriend the little kids.
Little Miss Chatterbox won a prize - highly likely she went up to all the judges and talked a mile a minute in her high pitched voice (e.g her normal voice). Very sweet she won a 10 pound book gift certificate and picked out a ready to read book for her brother with some of the money as well as more Little Miss books for herself.(side note- I'm not a huge fan of the series- the books are SO long and really not that fun besides the pictures)
Last night we went to an American Club Mardi Gras Party (no idea why it was 3 weeks late)- we both were dragging and did not feel like putting on cocktail attire. We got motivated and it was really fun- Still made the mistake of mixing crazy neon color drinks together. This one couple we really like were there. We are trying to convince them to attend the Michal Jackson (last concert until I need more money tour) with us. Chris and I are huge fans of the gloved wonder and so the couple starting quizzing Chris on his 80s pop music knowledge. Chris is a rockstar at 80s trivia- he freely admits the lack of knowledge of music past 1995. So keep you posted if we are moonwalking back to the O2 in London to see Jackson.
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