Happy Birthday Little Man- (okay 1 1/2 days early)
I can't believe you are 5! As our oldest kid they are a few things that I need to explain since unfortunately you were are guinea pig in this whole parenting adventure.
1- At your birth- I might have invited EVERYONE to come meet you in the hospital- no thought to germs, no immunity (etc). It was the Chicago heyday- we all lived downtown and the hospital was pretty close to all my friends work offices. I think you had like 35 people come meet you. Casey jane had 2 (yep that's me and Chris)- thanks snow storm.
2-I think we made you take swim lessons at depaul at 4months- we got in the water with you but let's be honest it was cruel and it made no difference in your swimming ability
3- Once I retired (Chris hates when I use that word because it implies I am never headed back to the dark (work) force (sidebar- I probably at some point will figure out what I want to be when I grow up and get a job)- I oversheduled your life. I think at one point you were in baby swimming, gymboree, baby signs, and 3 playgroups.
I am so sorry you probably wanted to sleep, eat, and stare out the window.
4-You are so you- Chris and I can't figure you out sometimes- for instance tomorrow you are bringing in a poem you wrote for show and tell. You make me laugh with all your questions- I love the fact when we are watching MTV videos you want to know the story behind the song- I know you will be a great boyfriend when you grow up to some lucky girl because I have explained the song "all the single ladies" by beyonce a zillion times. We have so much fun with our dance parties.
5-You love your daddy time on the weekend- daddy takes you to the barber and then to starbucks and then sometimes you put together a complex lego project- or currently you draw and cut out little Mr Men- which daddy brings into the office for display.
6-You make me laugh when you wake up dad at 6am and say go get into the shower so I can snuggle with mom:) You say it with a British accent which makes it cuter.
7- You let me dress you from head to toe- I love kids clothes so thanks for letting me since Casey was 2 I can't dress her
8-You love school, you have a best friend (MOLLY) that if you could marry today you would. You love your teacher and really think learning is fun.
9-You let casey be the princess and you be the prince, you put her toothpaste on her toothbrush, you help her write Jane (since she has trouble with Js)- you play soccer in the backyard and don't always steal the ball from her.
I love you little guy- I am having so much fun seeing your personality develop, learning your likes/dislikes, watching you grow, you are the best son a mum could want.
1 comment:
sweet CJ. i'm here to attest to the truth to all of this.
love that kid of yours. after all, he was big h's first friend ever.
love this so much.
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