So the keane concert was so fun- didn't hurt we were in a box that had food and drinks- but the concert pretty much rocked. I'm a fan now.(The lead singer looks like Scott M in chicago) Plus the venue The 02 in London is a sweet place to see concerts. (that's me in the entrance)
The night before Chris and I got to go to the London screening of "The International"- cool CIA type drama with Clive Owen and Naomi Watts. Next life I so want to come back as an Agent. Chris finds this hilarious since I have trouble staying home alone but i think it could work out.
Wed night was the "Mum's Night Out"- better than expected- no real cattiness and since alot of the girls looked like they needed a night out quite a few bottles of champagne were consumed.
As predicted CJ was the only kid to pass out valentine's in class- (which btw everyone loved)- he came home and said "I didn't get any valentines but that's okay because the class sang "We love you CJ". We are warming up this school slowly but surely:)
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