1- Yes- I woke up at 3am and stayed up until 6 am watching the women's figure skating on Thurs night- The girl from Korea AMAZING!!!!
The Canadian girl awesome story about fighting through tragedy but both Chris and I think the American California skated better than her. (seriously no doubt in my mind ). Still miss Kwan and they hey day of debi vs katrina- they just don't make skating divas like they use to.
2-I HATE how they keep track of the olympics in Europe- they only track gold medals- Hello weighted average for the medals standings. (It really annoys me)
3-My friends here threw me a bday bash where everyone was suppose to wear pjs and drink champagne and watch the Oscars ( alas I was 2 weeks off on that). Out of the 10girls that came only 2 of us were in pjs- it seems that request was way out in left field and caused much distress to which I sent a text saying dress code is now comfy casual ( still 2 people in skirts???)- (the best was one of my very shy/quiet friends called to tell me she DOES NOT OWN pjs. Not sure how she does that in winter here but power to you.
4-I don't want to count my lucky stars but baby girl is behaving So well we are concerned there has been an alien abduction. (we have please and thank yous, blue track suit being placed on with no complaints, smiles, can I please practice my jolly phonics requests, staying dry at night, no thumb sucking, requesting more vegetables) I am going to enjoy while it lasts.
5- Mini Boden I heart you. I like you even more since I get all my little girl hand me downs from friends that wear 100% boden. (I heart free clothes as well)
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