Friday, December 12, 2008

Holiday Grab Bag

Last day of school and we are on winter break! I feel like its first semester in college- sort of not sure if you love it or don't want to go back. I admit I had a rude awakening with college - visited my sister at school while she was senior living off campus and then ended up in an all girls dorm with sister J (should not have been a shocker since I was at a catholic university) and a roommate who was more interested in campus rosary readings than trying out fake ids. To be perfectly fair she probably was shocked that all I did was try to get into bars and have my sister buy booze for me on the weekend. Anyway that's how I kind of feel about England so far.( minus the alcohol/bar part)

Have a handful of good friends (the kind that know I am crazy and still love me- and that I could call to check on me in the morning after I watch Saw 5 while home alone) Chris has asked me a zillion times if I am going to cry when I have to leave USA soil. I can't say for sure- I am going to be in Dallas and Michigan. I know I am going to get a little teary when I see my house ( which I can't go in) since we have renters and when I meet my sister's new addition little Danny. We have a split decision in our house- Casey wants to get the heck out of here- CJ sees suitcases and thinks we are moving and not coming back (yes we know we have to save for retirement, college, and now therapy). To be honest I will probably be too busy shopping, eating out, and going to ever strip mall from MI to TX. Oh and sharing magic memories with family and friends (I was starting to seem a little materialistic:)

I do hope like college that in the end I am crying and someone is pushing me on a plane because I don't want to leave. Only time will tell- not sure how much blogging will occur but put family, inlaws, and travel on transatlantic flight with toddlers and I would expect some more blog therapy sessions:)

Wishing everyone near and far the love of the holiday season! In this somewhat depressing climate (economy, war, etc) it's hard to see joy, peace, love but they are out there. So enjoy!


Tracy said...

Enjoy your holidays!!
Also, I love that picture of Casey as an angel, singing (I think that is what she is doing?). So cute!

Susan said...

Yeah! Winter break! Hasn't the first few months flown by? Maybe?! Just think, you're 1/4 done living abroad.

I know you will have lots of people to see, but if you get a moment when you're in the 'hood, give us a call and stop by! (We'll be here. Ross' parents are coming on the 22nd.)