I am going to come clean; sometimes (like 5 % of the time), I can be a pain in the arse to be married to. Like for instance when it's the holiday season and I over schedule every hour of the weekend. Quick recap of the weekend's event (as I type -chris is laying on the couch watching/laughing as he watches a taped version of the ND/USC game; he keeps shouting out horrific statistics about ND's lack of offense and defense)
pick up CJ from school- drive directly to Casey's ballet- while at ballet change CJ into outfit for the school dance- leave ballet and drive CJ to the Christmas disco- arrive there and Casey decides she wants to stay (she was in a tutu after all)- the boys look awkward the girls are dancing with other girls (don't want to break their 5 old hearts but this dance scene will be repeated for the next 15 years of their lives). Casey ends up hanging out with some 2nd graders - I find her in the snack room; she could care less if I am around. On the other hand CJ wants me dancing pretty much within 5 inches of him at all times. Leave dance at 6:30- arrive home and start cleaning and heating up food for Chris 's work party (which was to start at 8pm). Chris arrives home a little horrified at where we are with getting ready. Feed kids and plop them into bed at 7:30 (I did the pathetic plea "STAY in you beds because Santa is making his good boy/girl list tonight; btw the kids stayed in their rooms the entire night!!!!) Spread the appetizers and drinks out just as the first guests come. Party went well - we errored on to much seafood (chris and I were the only ones that ate the sushi tray- and everyone drank white wine or beer no hard alcohol) So if anyone needs a gin and tonic or a whiskey on the rocks head to our casa:)
Left Chris to shop and meet some friends for lunch. He took the kids to see Madagascar. Got home and we headed out with some Canadian friends for dinner and drinks.
Take CJ to swim class- rush home to catch the train to the city with Chris and Casey. It's pouring rain and we have prepaid tickets to ice skate at Somerset House. (every time we go to London it rains!!!) We get there and grab some lunch and miraculously the showers stop for our prepaid hour of skating. Ice skating with preschoolers is hard work because you basically our bending over the entire time to hold them on the ice. (Chris is a so so skater ; similar to roller skating I rock at ice skating as well). Chris and I are such dorks we made each of us pick Olympic skater's name (Me:Sasha Cohen, Casey: Kristy Yamaguchi, CJ: Russian Pair (He liked the title rather than an actual Russian pair name) Chris: Sergei)The kids had fun and sort of got the hang of it. Anyway after tube rides, bathroom stops, and train ride home we made it back at 5pm. Not much weekend left to relax.
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