Everytime I think we are getting settled- I realize we are not-
No real news- CJ keeps asking philospohical questions that keep me up at night wondering if this will be a good memory or a bad one in CJ and Casey's childhood. For instance- "Mom- things are weird here in England- "What do you mean?" (trying to keep an open dialogue instead of jumping in with darn straight kiddo this place is whacked)-"I had more fun in Frisco- school's a lot of work." I am a rule follower but man this school is giving the kids 45 min of homework a night plus recording every book they read- we are both exhausted. So we skipped homework last night and watched Wonderpets and drank hot chocolate to keep our sanity. Thank God- fall break is one week away. So Chris heads home late last night- and I let him know the vacation is over and I want to go Home. Of course- Chris tries to play mr positive about all the trips and sights we will see- and that if we headed back to TX we can't live in our house because we have renters (etc)- All very useful information but I was having none of it. I did buy another purse to cheer me up yesterday. (instead of postcards I am collecting handbags:) (Burberry is top pix and London Osprey is bottom pix)
We have a stay at home dad and his son coming for a playdate this afternoon. Should be interesting- so funny at these afternoon playdates you are expected to serve dinner to the children. Kind of awkward to me to host and cook dinner at the same time but I suppose nuking fish sticks or jacket (baked) potatoes doesn't really qualify as cooking to me.
If anything, you'll get a great purse collection out of your London stay! Love reading your blog, but wish we could see you all in person! Amy and family
love the burberry.
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