Just got back from Paris a few hours ago- and we had as much fun as you can have with 2 children in tow. I mistakenly cursed us by saying this trip will be much easier than my post college backpack trip. Like lugging a backpack is harder than dragging a 4 and 2 year old around the metro with bags:) Here are the hi's and lows of the trip to Paris and EuroDisney.
1. The French in general- we found them very helpful- lifting strollers- giving directions, recommending restaurants-no comment if this is this is the after effect of the Brits
2. The weather held up for us- we were ready for rain but it never came down a lot (we might be use to England's monsoons)
3. CJ and Casey were troopers- we had eurotains, regular trains, and subways and they held up thru it all
4. At the Notre Dame Catherdral- CJ said a cute little prayer for his new nephew Danny-" I hope he is warm and cozy"- quickly followed up by "I hope Aunt K feels better so she can go to the store to buy me safari whale for Christmas."
5.French bread, cheese, and wine!
6. Watching CJ and Casey go nuts at the Disney parade- fun times as the kids actually believed all the characters were real.
7 Casey was in heaven as she dressed as Cinderella and then met all the princesses- Seriously Chris and I are going to be hard pressed to find something that impresses her after that Princess dinner.
1-subways with kids and bags- elevators broken at metro stations lugging stroller and bags up and down. City parents I now feel your pain- its darn hard work
2-Chris and I mistakenly thought our high school french would help us order (NOT)- we both ordered andouilette which is tripe which is cattle stomach made into sausages. Chris attempted to eat it (he could be on fear factor)- one whiff and I almost hurled. I tried to scam some food off the kids but they were having none of it. But I had wine and bread :)
3-Having to ride roller coaster by yourself- Space mountain is fun but I felt like a loser going on by myself. (chris was with the kids)
4-The day of our departure from the Paris train station we were greeted by the French military and police with machine guns walking around the train station. CJ thought it was cool but my mind was to terrorism plots:(
5-Chris being on his blackberry and me not checking my iphone in fear of ringing up a huge bill (I am addicted)
6- The kids didn't thing It's a small world was that cool- (I loved that ride growing up)- they were all about Buzz, Peter Pan's Flight, and Pirates of the Caribbean.
7- Parisian teenagers- the 13 yr olds who were sometimes accompanied by their parents were full on making out in line for rides. ( R rated stuff-) and they acted like no big deal. Chris and I were covering CJ and Casey eyes.