Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Forecast Rain and more Rain

Should be grateful for the rain since we haven't had hot water for 2 days in our temporary accommodations.

And yes Casey Jane picked out a High School Musical umbrella 2 1/2 going on 11 years old:) CJ went back to his passion from the 3's -Thomas the Train and me I am holding out for the Burberry goods!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Sorry it's been so long since I've been to your blog! First I'll say you had me rolling on the floor with laughter over the parking and pool episodes--good for you for sticking with it. Second, I will no longer complain about Brian's 6 hour golf outings;-) Okay, yes I will. How do they get away with leaving us alone at the most awful times? It sounds/looks like you've been out and about a bit. I'd love to talk live. Can't wait for you to get your stuff and move into your housing!