1- Fall has hit- sweater on (check), flannel sheets on bed (check), dark at 5 (check),increased complaining by moi (check)
2- Nerves and nails are gone- MSU and ND overtime wins- can we please win a game without a nailbiter
3- The european attitude about chicago losing out- people were actually gleeful that the US didn't get the games. I spent some quality time in chicago so yes I am bitter- it really pisses me off that both the european and asian countries block voted. Seriously folks - ioc is missing out on summer in chicago, jazz, pizza, lakeshore, ( a lot more stuff but right now my mind can only thing of food and bars)- I knew they should have sent Oprah to the vote:)
4-bday party circuit- 2 kids=2 many bday parties on weekends with scary clowns that look like the one from Poltergeist-
5- Homework- I'm sick of it already- we may be playing hooky in a few weeks